company has started its way to offer you services and products
which provide real solutions to marketing problems you challenge.
A bad customer’s satisfaction is very often the main cause
for problems in a company or a brand expansion.
All these problems can be solved by our specialists with services
and products provided.
Quanitative research: oppinion polls |
Qualitative research: focus group |
Advertising strategies |
Promotion campaigns |
Media monitoring |
Social and political studies |
Political marketing |
You can find the complete range of services and products on the
left buttons.
Enjoy the surf !
Adresa: |
Calea Aradului,
Nr. 27A
Bl. 4C2, Ap. 11
1900 - Timisoara
Tel: |
+40256-243786 +40722-319781 +40740-068589
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E-mail: |
office@datmark.ro |
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